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Teacher in charge: Tim Knetl at

What to Expect

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and recognize outstanding achievement of students studying American Sign Language while encouraging academic excellence in all subjects.

Members of this organization shall participate in service opportunities to encourage language proficiency and life-long learning as well as enjoyment of the unique visual language of ASL.

The organization will meet bi-weekly during the academic school year. If any change in the regular meeting time is needed, members will be notified three days prior to the scheduled meeting.


The club votes for a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and other officers at the May meeting. 

Officer Positions 

A. Organization Advisor will elect officers to lead the organization. All officers chosen will serve in the same capacity.

1. President: To run the meeting, work with the advisor and communicate with administration.

2. Vice-president: To involve with other officers and help others. Will run the meeting when the president is not presented.

3. Secretary: To document everything the meeting says. Supervising committees to design posters/flyers

4. Treasurer: To report and work with the advisor/president about budget/fundraising

5. Sergeant-At-Arms: To ensure members to follow CAB and help them to learn ASL

B. Members can participate as a committee chairperson and active committees for any events.

1. Chairperson of fundraising: A treasurer will be required to attend fundraising events such as booths, popcorn sale, selling items and check with the committees

2. Chairperson of decoration: A chairperson will work with an advisor to order supplies for decoration and set committees to help to decorate or make posters. This duty can work with the chairperson of fundraising aka ASL Social Night and Popcorn sale booth.

3. Chairperson of Anthem: President’s duty to represent the Anthem at home football field. All ASL II & III Honors are welcome to participate in the anthem.


  • Must be passing all classes
  • Actively participate in meetings, events, and fundraisers
  • Respectful of teachers, club members and school rules 
  • Attend at least 4 meetings to be eligible for officer positions or the field trip.