Posted Date: 05/19/2023
Editor’s note: On Thursday, the top seven students selected teachers that helped them become their best person. These teachers are known as Shining Stars. Salazar was unable to attend the ceremony but can be seen listening and smiling on the phone Segura is holding in the picture above.
Aerianna Segura on why Athletic Director Kevin Salazar is her Shining Star.
“Coach Salazar has impacted my life tremendously when it comes to my athletic career.
“This man provided me with the best equipment possible in powerlifting and was always ready to make accommodations for me when necessary.
“Coach Salazar has supported me greatly throughout the years and made this year one of the best I have ever had.
“With his support and assistance, I was able to break the regional and state record in the bench press with ease and take home my second state title. Without him, I don’t believe that I would have had the confidence to go out there and give it my all, nor would I have even stood a chance against my competition.
“Coach Salazar truly helped me become the best athlete in powerlifting I could be and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to compete as a Tigerette for Goliad High School.”