Posted Date: 10/17/2023
Just an early reminder that Nov. 6 is picture day here at Goliad High School.
This is for all students including seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen.
All juniors, sophomores and freshmen will receive order forms prior to the shoot.
Seniors do not need this order form. They will receive printed proofs by mail after the photo shoot. This will allow them to pick for purchase which or all of the photos taken that day.
Seniors will not only be shooting their casual portraits but also formal, and cap and gown photos.
Strawbridge, the company handling these photos, will provide the graduation caps, gowns and mock formal attire for both ladies and gentlemen. Girls should bring a cami with them to wear under the graduation gown and mock formal dress. Senior boys should bring a short-sleeve T-shirt for the formal and graduation photos.
These portraits will be used in the yearbook and by the school so everyone, even those not purchasing photos, is asked to participate.
Anyone with questions can email Jason Collins at